Same-Day Dental Crowns

Crowns are restorations of teeth that cover the outside and top of the tooth. They are often referred to by many people as “Caps”. In the past they were often made of gold alloy, then porcelain fused to metal. Now most crowns are made of Zirconia or types of Porcelain like Lithium Disilacate (Emax). At Arlington Dental Arts, we are able to provide same-day single visit crowns using CEREC® technology. It uses a digital scanner and in-office mill machine to make the crowns in office. That’s right, there is no need for a lab!

Crowns are usually recommended for a fractured tooth or a tooth where the filling is so large that the tooth may break. Broken teeth can lead to nerve damage necessitating a root canal or in some cases the break can mean the tooth cannot be saved and requires extraction. Teeth in the back of the mouth with root canals are high risks for fracture and are also recommended to have crowns.

same visit dental crowns

CEREC® One-Visit Crowns

In keeping with our dedication to using the most advanced technology available, we are proud to offer our patients same-day crowns with CEREC®. The revolutionary CEREC (Chairside Economic Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics) system enables us to improve your smile more easily and quickly than ever before. Thanks to CEREC, Dr. Varchetto can model, create, and place beautiful crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers in just a single visit to our Arlington Heights dentist office!

How CEREC® Works

First, we take photos of your tooth using a special digital camera. CEREC’s 3D imaging software then uses these photos to create a model of your restoration. This model is sent to our onsite milling machine for computer-aided manufacturing. Your restoration will be ready for placement in about 15 minutes.

The milling process is extremely precise. This ensures that your newly placed restoration will have a fit that feels natural once it’s polished and bonded to your tooth.

Ceramic crowns and restorations add much-needed strength to damaged or weakened teeth, meaning your smile is protected in the future. CEREC’s results feel natural in your mouth and are indistinguishable from the surrounding teeth, so you’ll have a smile that you’re proud to show off.

Benefits of CEREC®

— Restorations are made and placed in the same visit, saving your valuable time.
— Advanced imaging technology eliminates the need for temporary crowns and messy impression trays.
— The biocompatible materials are adjustable to match the natural shade of surrounding healthy teeth.
— Precise molding and placement of your crown ensures that your restoration will look and feel natural.

If you’re in need of restorative work, we invite you to come see the difference CEREC technology can make. Visit today to learn about our single visit crowns!

Schedule Your Annual Dental Checkup

As your dentist in Arlington Heights, we will go over the possibilities with you and weigh several aspects before recommending the type of filler material that is most appropriate for you. This includes the cost, the location of the filling in your mouth, and the degree of the repair. Call 847-398-0326 now to schedule a consultation if you’d like further details.

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